For an article on the new ad campaign, click here.
The Rationale behind this campaign was that kids these days mash everything together
so in a sense mashing all of the target markets together (skate kids, athletes and fans of
fashion and music) into one big campaign where everyone can relate in some way or
another with the concept should work. It's based on the notion that if you are
passionate about something, you will fully commit and go "All In".
The complete ad:
I really like this ad and I think this does a great job at capitalizing on some of the segments that potentially weren't sure if they fit with the Adidas brand or not. For example, I am no athlete or skater, but I am a fan of music, fashion and being trendy so this was a great way to capture my attention and make me think about Adidas the next time I think about clothes. Another key feature that was done effectively was to focus on each of these core groups fairly equally. Had the ad focussed less on their core target group of athletes, the message may have been lost some where along the way. There are also strong ties with victories and persistence which is key to the brand’s core value. This does a great job at influencing the mindset of the consumer: It takes a very different approach than other athletic apparel companies have used in the past so does a better job at breaking through the noise. This is likely to result in much higher awareness and recall and also builds a huge number of new and highly relevant brand associations like Katy Perry and David Beckham. One thing this ad really excels at is increasing the breadth of awareness. It does a great job at increasing the number of situations that an individual may have top of mind awareness for this brand. For example, prior to this ad, I thought of Adidas only in the mindset of athletic products but now view it more as a fashionable clothing brand.
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